Iron Intellects came from our passion at TeamMihaly in 2019 along a team of industry leading coaches supported over 1700 clients. From lifestyle clients, regular weight lifters to competition body builders.

This website…is equally massive. We took into strong consideration so many factors before we were able to even draw things out. We hope that if there’s any questions that you’re able to find an answer here. As we grow, we’ll continually add to this library of questions. If you still have a question reach out!

This is a public page that will serve as all activity, launch, updates for the community. So check back here for questions and updates from the Iron Intellects!



  • Did you know Iron Intellects has already given away hundreds of prizes in the past 2 months?
  • This feature is for only and pro memberships.
  • New 4 hours+ of new content from our contributors, coaches, lead experts!! Don’t miss out!
  • Live session is happening every Mondays! Join Coaches, Experts from Brandon Cooper, Mark Tomanek, Megan Ashley, Justin Mihaly, Sam Miller, Kelly Igo, Kasey Orvidas & Joelle Cavagarno!
  • New features coming soon, including a partnership with Revive Supplements!


  • What is BBBros Round table? Did you know once a week the coaches sit down and talk about the latest in health? The BodyBuilding Bros Round Table is only for Pro Memberships.
  • System update this weekend, please expect minor usage issue from 1:00 AM CST to 3 AM CST – we’re always here to enhance your experience with Iron Intellects!!
  • We have now a newsletter for Iron Intellects they come out weekly to remind all members about coaches live chats, monthly updates on all our amazing content and lastly our weekly talks you don’t want to miss out on!!


  • Every Pro Members get a chance to listen to the a coach share their experiences.
  • This one hour is dedicated to hanging out, discussion drive and thought provoking topics!
  • Tonight Iron Intellects Coach Kelly Igo discussed IBS and as an RD her experience is crucial in coaching clients.
  • This feature is for only and pro memberships.
  • Little snippet of the live session, don’t miss out!!!


  • Over 45 minutes of new video content from Lead Coaches Sam Miller & Justin Mihaly.
  • Along with 20 amazing contributor articles that dive into sugars, training, habits, how to etc.
  • Hundreds of individuals daily in the forums discussing cardio, at home workouts, training splits, GoD, competition and more!


  • The launch of the BBBros Table is with Coaches Justin Mihaly, Brandon Cooper, and Mark Tomanek discussing everything around Bodybuilding, competition, discipline and gains!


  • Expect a brief interuption on 4/11/2020 across all devices during staged testing. This time was determined due to lowest interaction and disruption to your daily activities.


  • 45 minutes of video updates across the Iron Intellect coaches.
  • 30+ new contribution articles from our  Lead Experts, Iron Intellect Coaches and Contributors.


  • Lead Expert Coach Justin Mihaly went live at 12:00 PM CST. These are not recorded, exclusive to pro memberships only.


  • We’ve secured a lot of amazing things for just our pro members!

Hear it from Justin Mihaly is LIVE!!! I’m pumped for this y’all! 14 months to make the PERFECT membership site.

It’s so much more than just that though.

We’ve created a social media platform for health, fitness, and bodybuilding enthusiasts to learn and grow within.

We have a ridiculous team contributing here.


We’re bringing you over 30 articles and videos every month and interacting with you guys for ANYTHING YOU NEED in our forums.

Training logs from 3 high level bodybuilders. Constant access to some of the most intelligent folks in the industry. You can’t be a member here and not reach your goals faster and smarter.

It’s so cool. Man I haven’t been this excited in a LONG TIME. This site is so cool.

Pumped to see y’all there. Can’t wait to hear your feedback. This is awesome – WELCOME to the next generation of health, fitness, and bodybuilding 😈🔋 #ironintellects

Welcome to Iron Intellects!!! Launch and membership types;


  • Basic Membership: Full access to Iron Intellects.
  • Pro Membership: All of basic & prizes weekly from our sponsors + LIVE with the coaches

Forum Rules: 

Forum Goals

1. Maintaining user safety is the primary concern for all discussions.
2. Facilitate high-quality information related to fitness.
3. Keep the community tone intact and positive.

Forum Bylaws

1. No sharing of personal information or doxxing
2. Use caution. The only things authoritative is information with directly referenceable studies.
3. Keep things friendly & on-topic. Let’s be positive and have a good time.
4. No unlawful discussions. This isn’t a place to learn how to break the law. This includes AAS.
5. Advertising of personal coaching services or products is prohibited.



Welcome to Iron Intellects!!! Today is a massive soft launch. Full launch for the website will happen on March 17th, 2020.

For questions regarding memberships, the site etc please direct them to the team post March 20th, 2020 as we are working with the first group of people.

If you’re new to the Iron Intellects remember to:

  • Add a personal photo – we’re an open book, so say hello to everyone.
  • Add friends!
  • Follow the groups, create your own forum topics and just be elite!!
  • Real names please. No Sk8TerBoi, HypertrophyGOD (Sounds dope tho.) but it makes it tough to support if there are issues.



Prizes & Give-Aways:


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Kayleigh Straka

Prize: Revive Sports Supplements


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Hannah Schoth

Prize: Legion Sports Supplements


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Nicole Derderian

Prize: Toxic Angelz Bikinis


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner:Andrew Happel

Prize: Coffee Over Cardio


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Alyssa Garner

Prize: AstroFlav

Code at Checkout: Iron Intellects


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Bradley Tran

Prize: Revive MD


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Kelsey Hynes

Prize: Legion Supplements


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Brittany Gabel!

Prize: Toxic Angelz Bikinis


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Brittany Gabel!

Prize: Toxic Angelz Bikinis


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Rachel Toney

Prize: Coffee Over Cardio


Please join Iron Intellects below;

Winner: Olivia Knox!

Prize: Legion Supplements Stack

©2025 IRON INTELLECTS a premium forum and community of #TeamMihaly by Body Building Websites


The Iron Intellects are not around right now. Email us here or at and we'll get back to you asap.


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